Fukuoka boasts a modern, comfortable city life surrounded by natural beauty, and has already proven to be an irresistible place to live for people from overseas - now totaling almost 1% of the population.
Fukuoka was ranked the 22nd most livable city in the world by Monocle, an international lifestyle magazine based in London. The magazine portrayed Fukuoka as an international city with a friendly atmosphere. In particular it gave Fukuoka high marks for shopping and food.
The Institute for Urban Strategies at the Mori Memorial Foundation ranked Fukuoka City second on its Japan power cities (72 cities excluding Tokyo). Fukuoka City has been highly evaluated in “economy and business” category for top rating in the number of comprehensive special district areas and the ratio of new business establishments among the target cities.
Sources:A Statistical Look at Prefectures and Regions Japan, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, and other sources
Fukuoka City Subway
Excellent local transport infrastructure allows you to spend more time doing the things you want to be doing.
Japanese language class
There are many local organizations aimed at making daily life in Fukuoka more enjoyable for people from overseas.
Fukuoka International School
The Baccalaureate awarded Fukuoka International School provides consistently excellent education from kindergarten to high school.
The benefits of living in Fukuoka don't stop with business, you'll find the local environment appealing whatever your interests. From the vast shopping centers, cinemas and museums in the cities to the beaches and mountains surrounding them.
Fukuoka is known locally for its great food, not only Japanese dishes but ethnic dishes from all over Asia.
Yearly 'Yamakasa' festival in Fukuoka
Downtown Fukuoka at night
Street food stalls, locally known as 'Yatai'
The Kyushu National Museum in Dazaifu
Fukuoka is one of the safest areas of the world. Not only in terms of its ultra-low crime rate, but you will also feel safe in the knowledge that Fukuoka has a large concentration of medical professionals - many practicing in English as well as Japanese.
Source:Japan Statistics 2018, Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications• 2016, Ministry of Land, Transport and Tourism
• 2017, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare*1 per capita *2 per 100km2 unit area *3 © Fukuoka Convention & Visitors Bureau